Thursday, December 23, 2010

Treasure Isle by Zynga - Introduction

      The first game i am going to talk about , as the title says is Treasure Isle which is my favourite so far.You can find it in the Games->Virtual World section on facebook.Until today it has 13,657,905 monthly active users.The beautiful thing at this game is that you never get bored ,you will always have a new island to dig and find treasures , jewels ,artifacts etc.
     First thing to do is to create your carachter : gender , clothes , and face .
    A few things about the control panel on the bottom right corner of you screen:
-backpack - here u can store the items you find on other islands (up to 250 items unless you upgrade your backpack )
-store - from the store you can buy many items like energy , gems , coins , upgrade your island
-maps - click on this button when you want to travel to an island
-treasures - this will show you all the treasures you have found or need to find in every collection 
-go treasure hunting - click this button if you want to go to the last island you were 
     Start digging - to dig you will need energy.You can get energy in multiple ways:
-wait 5 minutes for 1 energy to recover
-eat fruits(you can buy fruits form the store, find them by digging or planting seeds and growing them)
-get an energy pack which refills your energy ( buy from store, get it from your friends)
-level up (refills your energy)
     One dig will cost you 5 energy points,if you need to cut a flower or tree 7  energy points and for cracking a rock 10 energy pints.On every dig you make you will get something like: a treasure , XP ,  fruit , relic materials or gems.

End of part 1

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